6  Head Angles

The Head Angles analysis allows to extract three angles (Figure 6.1, Table 6.1) related to vision and feeding (Brandl and Bellwood 2013; Bellwood et al. 2014; Brandl, Robbins, and Bellwood 2015) from the coordinates of some reference lines and points (Figure 6.2, Table 6.2).

Angles measured on fish head
Figure 6.1: Angles measured on fish head (see Table 6.1 for descriptions)
Table 6.1: Angles measured on fish head
Code Trait Description Reference
Ha Head angle The angle formed by a line connecting the tip of the premaxilla (P1) to the point where line L5 crosses the upper margin of the snout and a line connecting the latter point to the intersection between lines L3 and L4 Brandl and Bellwood (2013)
Sa Snout angle The angle formed by the two lines drawn to the tip of the premaxilla (P1) from the point where line L5 crosses the upper and lower margins of the snout Brandl and Bellwood (2013)
EMa Eye-mouth angle The angle formed by a line connecting the tip of the premaxilla (P1) to the eye centroid and a horizontal line intersecting P1 Bellwood et al. (2014)
Reference lines and points for head angles analysis
Figure 6.2: Reference lines and points traced on fish images for head angles analysis (see Table 6.2 for descriptions)
Table 6.2: Description of reference lines and points traced on fish images for head angles analysis
Reference line/point Description User input
P1 Anterior tip of the premaxilla (upper jaw) Yes
L1 Horizontal line cutting the eye in halves No1
L2 Vertical line cutting the eye in halves No
L3 Vertical line touching the anterior margin of the eye No
L4 Horizontal line touching the upper margin of the eye No
L5 Vertical line half way between L3 and P1 No

6.1 Analysis

Once the steps described in Section 2.2 are completed the screen will be populated with a number of windows:

  • the ImageJ/Fiji main window
  • the MorFishJ GUI
  • a fish image (this is a duplicate of the raw image to prevent any modification)
  • the ROI manager
  • the Image adjustment dialog

This analysis has six steps that require the user input:

  1. Adjust the image if necessary as described in Chapter 4.

  2. Select the orientation of the fish (i.e., whether the fish is facing left or right) from a drop-down list. This step is important for the correct automatic placement of the reference lines.

Fish orientation

  1. Place a point at the tip of the premaxilla (upper jaw) as shown below. After clicking OK this is saved in the ROI manager as P1.

Example of point at the tip of upper jaw

  1. Trace an ellipse around the eye as shown below (see Elliptical Selection Tool for specific instructions on how to use this tool). After clicking OK five reference lines (L1-L5) are drawn and saved in the ROI manager together with the ellipse (eye).

Example of ellipse around the eye

  1. Place a point at the intersection between line L5 and the dorsal margin of the snout as shown below. After clicking OK the first angle (Ha) is drawn and saved in the ROI manager.

Example of intersection between L5 and dorsal of snout

  1. Place a point at the intersection between line L5 and the ventral margin of the snout as shown below. After clicking OK the other two angles (Sa, EMa) are drawn and saved in the ROI manager.

Example of intersection between L5 and ventral of snout

The analysis of the image is completed. In case of single image analysis a window named Traits containing all the results appears. This can be saved by clicking on File -> Save As.... All ROIs in the ROI manager can also be saved as a zip file by clicking on More >>> -> Save.... In case of multiple image analysis a new row will be added to the results file, the ROIs are saved in their directory, where also the rotated or straightened images are saved as .jpg files. The current image is closed and the next is opened. Repeat steps 1-6 for all images.

6.2 Results

The results file/table contains one row for each image and 5 columns. The first column, image_id, is the name of the image without extension. The columns 2-4 are the angles described in Table 6.1 in degrees. The last column, time, is the time spent to analyse the image (steps 1-6) in seconds. In case of multiple image analysis, before time there is an additional column, remark, which reports, if any, the observations written at the beginning of the analysis of each image.

  1. The user has to trace an ellipse around the eye and lines L1-L4 will be automatically drawn from the coordinates of this selection.↩︎